Shared values among the firm’s founding partners

The lawyers' association

The AKALEX law firm was established in the course of the year 2019 by its current partners, Anthony Rizzo, Aurélie-Anne De Vos and Karim Sedad.

These skilled lawyers are each driven by shared values of excellence, availability, humanity and close attention to their clients’ needs.

They have bundled their expertise and experience in order to provide personalized and high-quality assistance, covering a wide range of legal matters.

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    Feel free to scroll through our lawyer’s areas of expertise and our firm’s practice focus – from General and Corporate Criminal Law to Traffic Law and other areas of focus.

    General Criminal Law

    AKALEX’s lawyers put respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms at the very heart of their concerns. They provide assistance and represent your best interests throughout the entire criminal procedure.

    Corporate Criminal Law

    AKALEX’s lawyers assist you whether you are a company, a manager or an authorized representative, both preventively through the establishment of compliance programs and at a later stage by ensuring the defence of your best interests before national courts in the event of prosecution.

    Social Criminal Law

    Non-compliance with certain social duties / obligations may constitute a criminal offence entailing the employer’s liability. This may result in the imposition of a fine or even imprisonment

    Criminal Cassation

    An exceptional review procedure remains open upon conviction of an individual by a criminal court, and following exhaustion of all means of redress, through an appeal in cassation to the Supreme Court.



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    L’article 162bis, alinéa 2 du Code d’instruction criminelle (ci-après « l’article 162bis, al. 2 ») a été introduit par la loi du 21...